A Custom AR
Camp Experience
Stay connected to your
Stay connected to your camp community year-round with a custom branded Summer Camp Mobile App where you control the content and schedule.
WeDreamXR allows you to keep your camp open and generating income year round while minimizing the cost of staffing, overhead and physical upkeep.
Campers gain access via subscription to an add-on immersive camp experience even when camp is not in session! Gain access to exclusive camp activities, augmented reality games and branded content through the custom smartphone app.
xr companion app
Campers Stay Connected to the Camp Community Year-Round
Potential Campers Can Come Visit Through an XR Camp Tour
New Campers Get To Meet Future Bunkmates And Counselors
Reconnect With Camp Alumni From Around
the World
Augmented Reality camp games
Recruit with the next generation of exciting technology.
New campers can get a taste of the Your Summer Camp experience to give them that extra push to sign up!
yearly camp
special events
Re-engage your community throughout the year by hosting special events and immersive augmented reality experiences that bring camp into your campers' everyday life.
Bring your
into your campers' life!
Skybox capture of Your Camp
Customized app name
Camp Specific Logos and Colors
Augmented Reality Camp Environment
Branded in app accessories